Arsenal Powerline Herbicide. 2.5 Gallon (26.7% Iso.Salt of Imazapyr)

SKU #10118752
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Arsenal PowerLine is an aqueous solution to be mixed with water and a surfactant and applied as a spray solution to grass pasture and rangeland and industrial noncropland including utility plant sites, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, storage areas; railroad, utility, and highway rights-of-way; fence rows; and nonirrigation ditchbanks including grazed or hayed areas.
  • Arsenal PowerLine is recommended for the establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings
  • Arsenal PowerLine may also be used for the release of unimproved Bermudagrass and for use under certain paved surfaces
  • Will control most annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in addition to many brush and vine species.
  • Will provide residual control of labeled weeds that germinate in the treated areas.

Features & Specs

UPC: 860000000000
