Clethodim 2E Herbicide. 1 Gallon

SKU #30000267
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Clethodim 2E is a selective post-emergence herbicide for control of annual and perennial grasses. Clethodim 2E does not control sedges or broadleaf weeds. A reduction in vigor and growth is evident in treated grass weeds. Early chlorosis/necrosis of younger plant tissue is followed by a progressive collapse of the remaining foliage. Symptoms will generally be observed in 7- to 14-days depending on grass species treated and environmental conditions.
  • Systemic herbicide which is translocated from the treated foliage to the growing points of the leaves, shoots and roots.
  • Provides excellent tank mix compatibility with a variety of herbicides for more complete weed control on labeled crops.
  • Over-the-top, postemergence control.
  • Excellent plant safety profile.

Features & Specs

UPC: 857000000000

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